Cerere Moderator
Ai experienta in moderarea forumurilor? Daca da si daca doresti gradul de moderator pe forum, fa o cerere si vei primi gradul daca consideram ca esti potrivit pentru aceasta responsabilitate.
108 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Numele dupa forum : HaHaKoko Numele real:Mihai Varsta:13 Email:[email protected] Vechime: 1 zi Posturi:2 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Classic Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?: 1/2 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: Pentru a putea ajuta acest forum!
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 4 replies
umele de pe forum:FaTaLiTII2 Numele real:Alex Varsta:13 Email:[email protected] Vechime:o sa fac Posturi:1 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:2/3 ore De ce vrei acest grad?:Pentru ca vreau si eu grad mai mare pe zm.
Last reply by Walking 21, -
- 3 replies
Numele de pe forum:Saito Numele real:Adragai Vasile Varsta:17 Email:[email protected] Vechime:9 luni Posturi:228 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Amuzament,MyPC,Muzica , etc Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:4-5 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: Pentru a ajuta comunitatea la maxim . xD PS: Stiu ca sunt 3 categorii dar sunt unele mici.. Stiu ca nu am posturile necesare dar promit ca o sa le fac intr-o durata scurta de timp .
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 1 reply
Numele de pe forum:LAIKNumele real:FranciscoVarsta:18Email:[email protected]:2-3 yearsPosturi:218Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:What is availableCat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:2-3De ce vrei acest grad?:to help!
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 1 reply
Numele de pe forum:KroN1cK Numele real:Radoslav Cristian Varsta:15 Email:[email protected] Vechime:7 luni Posturi:227 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Amuzament,MyPC,Muzica Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:4-5 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: Pentru a ajuta comunitatea la maxim . PS: Stiu ca sunt 3 categorii dar sunt unele mici.. Stiu ca nu am posturile necesare dar promit ca o sa le fac intr-o durata scurta de timp .
Last reply by Walking 21, -
- 3 replies
The name on the forum:Super-Man Real name:Igli Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Since March 2016 Posts: 635 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 or SA:MP How long can you give the forum every day ?:3-4 hours Why do you want this degree ?:For help server because i look hi need help and i will help and is a pleasure to workin this forum
Last reply by JoKeR, -
Cereri Rank
by FaTe- 4 replies
Numele de pe forum : Desiigner. Numele real: Gabriel.Varsta: 21Email: [email protected]: ziPosturi: 2 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: ►TUTORIALE SI RESURSE◄Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?: cam 4 ore da daca este nevoie mai multDe ce vrei acest grad?: Pentru a avea acces la mai multe categorii, dar si pentru a ajuta la mentinerea ordinii.
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 4 replies
The name on the forum: Skyline Real name: Ahsan Khan Age: 18 E-mail: [email protected] seniority: since October, 2016 posts: 346 Category in which you want to be moderator: The last one How long can you give the forum every day ?: 1-2 hours (1 post each day) Why do you want this degree ?: For helping the community
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 1 reply
Numele de pe forum:Paladin Numele real:Ionut Varsta:14 Email: nu folosesc(pm) Vechime:2-3 ani Posturi: 495 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: Amuzament Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:3-4 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: sa ajut comunitatea unde este nevoie
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 2 replies
The name on the forum:Super-Man Real name:Igli Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Since March 2016 Posts: 620 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 or SA:MP How long can you give the forum every day ?:3-4 hours Why do you want this degree ?:For help server because i look hi need help and i will help and is a pleasure to workin this forum
Last reply by Walking 21, -
by Guest PoinT!- 1 reply
Numele de pe forum:PoinT! Numele real:Henry Varsta:18 Email:[email protected] Vechime:One month Posturi:49+1 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Cs 1.6 resurce Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:2 Hours a day De ce vrei acest grad?:To help the community
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 1 reply
The name on the forum: NoFear Real name: Ahsan Khan Age: 18 E-mail: [email protected] seniority: since october, 2016 posts: 340 Category in which you want to be moderator: The last one How long can you give the forum every day ?: 1-2 hours (1 post each day) Why do you want this degree ?: For helping the community
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 8 replies
Numele de pe forum:Burn Numele real:Simi Varsta:22 06.22.1994 Email:[email protected] Vechime:16 aprilie Posturi:830 + 1 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Toate !! Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:nu o bag pe aia ca 5-10 ore!! pur si simplu cat o sa fie nevoie, poate intr-o zi 10 min poate in alta zi 5 ore Asta a fost un exemplu !! De ce vrei acest grad?:sa nu il mai irite pe @jusTice culoarea mea!! glumesc pt a putea ajuta Comunitatea IlegalZone cu tot ce pot !! Multumesc pt intelegere!! Cu stima Burn :*
Last reply by jusTice, -
- 1 reply
The name on the forum:Lenii Real name:Henry Age:16 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Not Much Seniority Posts:Few But I Will Do More Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 [HARTA] How long can you give the forum every day?:2 Hours Why do you want this degree?:To Add Maps For This Server :)
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 3 replies
The name on the forum:Lenii Real name:Henry Age:16 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Not Much Seniority Posts:Few But I Will Do More Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 [HARTA] How long can you give the forum every day?:2 Hours Why do you want this degree?:To Add Maps For This Server :)
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 3 replies
Numele de pe forum:KroN1cK Numele real:Radoslav Cristian Varsta:15 Email:[email protected] Vechime:3-4 luni Posturi:132 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Unde se poate Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:4-5 ore cel putin De ce vrei acest grad?: Pentru a ajuta comunitatea la maxim . PS: Stiu ca nu am posturile necesare dar promit ca o sa le fac intr-o durata scurta de timp .
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 3 replies
Numele de pe forum:George123 Numele real:George Varsta:13 Email:[email protected] Vechime:am o luna Posturi:26 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Tot! Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:3-4 ore De ce vrei acest grad?:Sa ajut cum pot :)
Last reply by Neli, -
- 4 replies
The name on the forum:DarKneSS Real name:Jonathan Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Since 1 Month Posts:104 Category in which you want to be moderator:Counter-Strike1.6 Harta How long can you give the forum every day?:3-5 In Forum Why do you want this degree?:To Help The Community
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 6 replies
Numele de pe forum:George123 Numele real:George Varsta:13 Email:[email protected] Vechime:23 decembrie 2015 Posturi:18 promit ca o sa fac Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Unde pot avea voie Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?:4-5 ore mai ma joc pe sv De ce vrei acest grad?:Sa ajut cum pot! Thanks ! :D :)
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 1 reply
Numele de pe forum: FaBy Numele real: Ionut Varsta: 14 Email: PM Vechime: 16 mai 2014 Posturi: 354 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: RESURSE WEB SI TUTORIALE Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?: 3-4 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: sa ajut comunitatea Multumesc! :*
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 2 replies
The name on the forum:DarKneSS Real name:Jonathan Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Since 1 Month Posts:75 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 How long can you give the forum every day?:3-5 In Forum Why do you want this degree?:To Help The Community
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 5 replies
Numele de pe forum: FaBy Numele real: Ionut Varsta: 14 Email: PM Vechime: 16 mai 2014 Posturi: 335 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: peste tot Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?: 3-4 ore De ce vrei acest grad?: sa ajut comunitatea..sa i ajut pe cei care au nevoie.. Multumesc!
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 3 replies
Numele de pe forum: Stefan. :> Numele real: Stefan ? Varsta: 17 Email: [email protected] Vechime: since 19 jul 2016 Posturi: 316 Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator: Unde se poate :> :-j Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi?: Destul De ce vrei acest grad?: RO: Am incercat sa evit post-hunt si am facut 300 de posturi prin munca. Eng: I tried to dont do post-hunt, i done 300 posts with work.
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 6 replies
The name on the forum:Skyline Real name:Ahsan Khan Age:18 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority: 2 months Posts:173 (+1) Category in which you want to be moderator:anywhere you need How long can you give the forum every day?:4+ Why do you want this degree?:I want to Help the Community
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 1 reply
The name on the forum:Surajnatekar21Real name:SurajAge:18Email:[email protected]:3-4 yearsposts:18Category in which you want to be moderator:cs 1.6How long can you give the forum every day ?:5-6 hoursWhy do you want this degree ?:Help uS
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 3 replies
The name on the forum:dib@lik-xXx Real name:Haroon Age:18 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Yesterday I Have Come In Forum Posts:5 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 How long can you give the forum every day?:2-4 In Server Why do you want this degree?:To Help Server And Community Of Ilegal-Zone
Last reply by JoKeR, -
{Cerere Moderator}
by Guest M7md-Killer- 4 replies
The name on the forum:{M7md}-Killer Real name:John Age:16 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:I Don't Know About This Posts:9 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 How long can you give the forum every day?:7-8 Why do you want this degree?:To Help Server And Forum
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 2 replies
The name on the forum:N-a-d-i Real name:David Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:4 Months Posts:5 Category in which you want to be moderator:Counter-Strike 1.6 How long can you give the forum every day?:2-4 Everyday Why do you want this degree?:I Want To Help Server And Community
Last reply by SuperioR, -
- 3 replies
Numele de pe forum: katherina Numele real: George Varsta:19 Email: [email protected]. Vechime:4 luni. Posturi: 21. Categoria in care vrei sa fii moderator:Member** Cat timp poti acorda forumului in fiecare zi ?: toata ziua. De ce vrei acest grad ?: Sa ajut membri si sa mai ajut la posturi si reclamati .
Last reply by JoKeR, -
- 3 replies
The name on the forum:Super-Man Real name:Igli Age:17 E-mail:[email protected] Seniority:Since March Posts:370 Category in which you want to be moderator:Cs 1.6 or SA:MP How long can you give the forum every day ?:3-4 hours Why do you want this degree ?:For help server because i look hi need help and i will help and is a pleasure to workin this forum :)
Last reply by SuperioR,