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44 topics in this forum
- 54 replies
Am observat ca foarte multi va place sa aratati propriile recorduri in Frag-uri, asa ca am deschis acest topic. Daca doriti sa va aratati ScreenShot-urile cu Recordurile voastre, o puteti face in acest topic respectand urmatorul model: Numele tau de Joc: Kills: Deaths: ScreenShot:
- 25 replies
In acest topic vom posta imagini cu intamplari amuzante, ciudate de pe server :)). Incep eu. Aici human cu bomba knockbach =)) http://i.imgur.com/C7Qryrp.png Momentul ala cand jucatorii vad un jet =)) http://i.imgur.com/O5SRaTP.png
Last reply by PtB-ul, -
- 10 replies
De azi 17.02.2018 numele pe care le avei pe server si pe forum nu vor mai fi schimbate decat dupa un an cel putin . Deoarece in ultimele luni am admini/jucatori care si-au schimbat de cel putin 5 ori numele . ASA CA DE AZI INCEPAND NIMENI NU VA PUTEA SA ISI SCHIMBE NUMELE DECAT DUPA UN AN CEL PUTIN ! FARA EXCEPTII! IAR NICK-UL DE PE FORUM O SA FIE ACELASI CU CEL DE PE SERVER !SI TAG-URILE SE PUN DOAR LA VETERANI !
Last reply by Coca-Cola, -
- 0 replies
=Deoarece in ultimul timp a devent o obijnuinta rivalitatea intre admini , invidia si neintelegerile intre voi aduc la reclamatii inutile si de tot rasul , am decis ca de azi inainte toti cei care au grad pe serverul Zombie.IlegalZone.Ro sa foloseasca TeamSpeak . =Acest lucru este OBLIGATORIU , in caz contrar, veti primi remove . Aveti la dispozitie o saptamana ( pana duminica viitoare ) sa il instalati si sa fiti activi , binenteles sa aveti si microfon . =Facem o exceptie pentru adminii straini ,pentru ca unii din noi nu stiu bine nici lb romana .... si nu s-ar intelege oricum cu ei ... =Cei care au cumparat gradul nu sunt obligati dar,urmatoarea data cand vor cu…
Last reply by BuliNa27, -
Boost Server 1 2
by SuperioR- 25 replies
Toti cei care doriti sa boostati serverul Zombie.IlegalZone.Ro puteti face in felul urmator: 1. Prin SMS Message 2. Prin PAYPAL. Accesati link-ul acesta: http://www.gametracker.rs/sms_boost/ . Acolo alegeti metota prin care vrei sa boostati serverul si tara de unde vrei sa boostati serverul (tara unde sunteti in acel moment). Daca esti din Romania si vrei sa boostezi serverul prin SMS la firma GameTracker.Rs, atunci o poti face in felul urmator: Trimiti SMS la numarul: 1235 cu mesajul: TXT GTRS si numele tau. Exemplu: TXT GTRS SuperioR Dupa ce ati boostat serverul, va rog sa postati in acest topic cu urmatorul model: Numele…
Last reply by Dark Soul, -
- 3 replies
Numele tau de Joc: zSoLoFTW Kills: 211 Deaths:1 ScreenShot:
Last reply by Syt, -
- 2 replies
RO Am observat ca foarte multi va place sa aratati propriile recorduri in Frag-uri, asa ca am deschis acest topic. Daca doriti sa va aratati ScreenShot-urile cu Recordurile voastre, o puteti face in acest topic respectand urmatorul model: Numele tau de Joc: Kills: Deaths: ScreenShot: ENGI noticed that many of you like to show your own records in Frags, so I opened this topic. If you want to show your ScreenShots with your Records, you can do it in this topic respecting the following model: Your Game Name:Kills:Deaths:screenshot:
Last reply by Super-Man, -
- 10 replies
Azi la sedinta ati cerut unii din voi MAPE NOI si SKINURI pentru VIP , asa ca , aici va astept cu propuneri ( link ca sa nu stau sa caut 100 de ani ) :)
Last reply by BuliNa27, -
- 2 replies
Salut, nu stiu că-ți dintre voi ma mai stiti, dar as dori sa stiu daca se poate sa stiu daca as reveni pe server as mai avea vreo sansa sa imi recuperez gradul sau macar sa raman din nou la gradul de slots? Cate șanse as avea? Cine ma mai știe :Aveam numele :FA1SE_iiD Va pup, nu ma supar oricum as dori sa ma reintorc pe sv. =)
Last reply by BuliNa27, -
- 5 replies
Salut , vreau sa intreb cati dintre voi aveti probleme la fps . Eu am in pc un procesor fx-6100 la 3.6ghz , un gtx 760 de la asus de 2gb si 12 gb ram , stiu ca nu e cine stie ce dar ar trebuii sa poate sa duca cs in 60 fps cel putin insa nu primesc mai mult de 30-40 fps pe serverul zombie , mai multe fps uri am in witcher 3 . Intrebarea mea e , este asa la toata lumea sau e ceva in neregula cu pc ul meu? edit : joc pe 1280x1024
Last reply by BuliNa27, -
[Fraguri] Cel mai bun scor
by Guest FLaviaNNNN- 0 replies
Nume: FLaviaN Fraguri: 1127 Decese: 3 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/oyYqBx8 Default loveste din nou :))
Hi everyone ! i want to share a problem with tesla vip , the energy ball , many vip's use energy ball to hit players/vip/admins , and they don t attack , they attack with energy and than they hide , and than again attack with energy ball , and same thing with he ( that he what take dmg ) , i know is illegal to not attack , and if you hit with ball and he (dmg) , that is not attack ..cause you dont die .." hit and run " ...what we , admins , can do to that vips who dont attack , and use only energy ball .. ?
Last reply by hhh you dead, -
Final Word/ultimul cuvânt
by Guest D I- 7 replies
România Versiune Limba mai jos:Romania Version Below Okay...bad idea was return myself in here and in zombie server,but i really like playing.I guess i will leave now,this time not going return playing in zombie server,i am not welcome in here,i will try to do something else and i know what.My mind understand i am too Guest in here,So...Too bad many players doesn't understand game purpose,i disappointed part players,admins...I was right i am that guy choice 1 of 5000 player,not just to be 1st zombie killer,but also be weirdest of all,i feeling too perfection in here and i done in here my mission...this time no joke no returns. My black side really angry,i will do wish…
Last reply by Translucent, -
- 2 replies
1. Delete old server. 2. Add new coder to the staff who has a free time to fix server problems. 3. Facebook team for answering others who want to buy VIP or something else is so weak and take a lot of time to answer, and even in forum, so I hope you will be quick after this notification. If there is anything more I will edit Topic and comment that I edited it.
Last reply by Translucent, -
- 8 replies
Pe server au fost adaugate cateva harti noi. Daca la unele harti sunt probleme, va rog sa postati aici si sa spuneti numele hartii care are problema, pentru a fi rezolvata. Hartile prezente pe server sunt: zm_foda zm_ice_attackzm_ice_attack3zm_ice_attack5zm_dark_minizm_big_vkzm_gbox5zm_defensezm_dust_worldzm_asiatic_groundzm_desert_2011zm_ice_attack_vipzm_dustx2zm_fortunazm_fivezm_3roomszm_battleground_fodazm_dark_map_2011zm_dreamzm_lmn_icezm_restart_v3zm_spartan_dust2zm_fdust2x2 Daca doriti harti noi, va rog sa postati aici cu link cate harta respectiva.
Last reply by When, -
by Guest D I- 1 reply
I am tired from everything...I did many topics about helping with some mods,like "Translucent",but it seem not responding to me others members,only in my few topics did answers,problem is mostly people are from Romania,and i speak only "Lithuania" and "English",i just was wish make better server. Anyway...when i understand everything,sometime i just wanna turn off my brains,and start chatting nonsense to make someone laugh,but it seem nobody understand my humour,because mostly only speak "Romania" language",and this google translate can do incorrect translate "English" to "Romania. My ideas was better in my head about fixing everything than this "Translucent",but i do…
Last reply by jusTice, -
by Translucent- 12 replies
Hey there, so this thread is about VSK, all know that VSK is somehow too much slow and all want it to be as it was in the past. A lot of players left the server before because of VSK speed and I think it must be back as it was, I will give you a link for a video has been uploaded in the server long time ago and see how VSK was, and you can compare which is better. I hope the foundator/coder of the server will care a little bit to this thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsV1poMIvPA&t=120s I couldn't find a POLL to make it in order to vote to make the VSK as it was, so if you prefer to make it as it was at the past (speed) vote by commenting +1, if not so vote …
Last reply by panda1, -
Bad player list
by Guest D I- 0 replies
We have in this forum and in zombie server enemys which not leaving you alone,and making mostly problems on everything little...so I Wanna you reply me in here bad players list "nickname" and tell me reasons what they doing wrong and bad to you and to others players?.
by Translucent- 4 replies
From what I notice today that this server didn't change since it was opened (I think it's open before 2012 so it's 6 years now, and I started playing it since then), only 2 update happened, one of them caused many players professional players to leave the server and I don't see anyone of my friends is playing now, and everyone of them I talk to him and ask about the reason he left the server they answer me always : VSK is too much slow, this is a fucking update. The second update was change of the survivor, it is not considered as an important update, it's gun and skin only changed to worse than it was but I couldn't careless. I posted a thread about problems in the ser…
Last reply by panda1, -
- 7 replies
Pentru toti cei care vor teamspeak 3 pe telefon , il puteti descarca de aici : http://www.mediafire.com/file/amkd11hxwvi9nhj/crackts3.apk . Fisierul e de pe mediafire si e foarte sigur :) Pentru ca multi dintre voi ati intampinat probleme. Aici este ce trebuie sa scrieti pentru a intra pe ts-ul nostru. Bineînțeles la nume va puneti numele vostru. https://postimg.org/image/o16nteeob/ cu placere! ;)
Last reply by Dark Soul, -
by Guest D I- 0 replies
TRUE HISTORY Energy theme. Sigh.....Okay.....time to tell a true story what i thinking about you all this many years.Long long ago,i was just simple player like others,i was looking for good zombie server,i did search on a lots zombie servers,even i my Lithuania country servers,but my country was not really good server to play,because there was a lots unfair admins.Anyway like i say,i search a lots zombie servers,some was not bad some was good,some was worst,but this server is not bad like now i see it,of course when i start first time in this zombie server to play,i was weak player and my nickname just was "Darius"....Energy,i remember you was playing more mostly,you k…
Weapons Value
by Guest D I- 3 replies
Hello everyone,today i will explain about this "Weapons Value" I notice these all weapons have some big cost money and some less cost,and part of them are incorrectly was give value,let me explain to you all why. 1.some "Sub-machine","shotguns" and "monster weapon"have big value cost,but doing less damage and less accurate have which it don't have logical,in screen shots i will show you https://postimg.org/image/g25nbtfj1/ https://postimg.org/image/tj2lupsfh/ https://postimg.org/image/i6q0cyu19/ https://postimg.org/image/s41161osd/ Some weapons are fine,but some weapons are not fine,problem is i don't know how much each weapon doing damage. Example:Monster…
Last reply by AppLLe, -
- 4 replies
Hey there, I started this thread to mention server & forums problems. Server Problems : 1. There isn't rules in the server. 2. ADMIN slay player if he is mad of him. 3. Teaming is allowed. 4. Players restarting (re-login to the server) to get the 15000$ in order to buy knife blinks (like smekery and 123) and kill others, ad admins always re-spawn them. 5. the keyboard key "b" is not settled by default to go to "Buy Weapons", I don't know if you can set it by a command in the Console, because I asked and no one answering. 6. VSK is slow too much and I think many players use Auto-Clicker to hit with it, because I spectate some of them sometimes and their hitting speed…
Last reply by Translucent, -
About zombie server
by Guest D I- 0 replies
Hello everyone,today we talk about zombie server.We each individual have some a problems,but sometime there no way to fix it.Part people just quit from it and never come back to server,a problems could be anything,so I wanna from you peoples to heard what problem you have in zombie server. Reply me,and sorry for small letters,I did write on iphone.
- 9 replies
As dorii daca aveti timp si chef sa va dati cu parerea despre urmatoarele la fiecare in parte :) : 1. https://imgur.com/xq4rvK6 2. http://www.girlshare.ro/3489995920.4 3. https://imgur.com/S0DaEaN 4. https://imgur.com/9Xw0lEh Pe langa astea, va doresc Craciun Fericit !
Sniper problem shifting
by Guest D I- 1 reply
We have problem long time with this sniper "Soul Skull-5",it look like,like this problem... https://postimg.org/image/fqpxtunyl/ buy "Soul Skull-5" https://postimg.org/image/k14lpby5p/ drop "Soul Skull-5" https://postimg.org/image/4seobo731/ and take again from floor,it turned into "SVD Dragunova" https://postimg.org/image/bk53e5dyl/this bug should be fix it.
Last reply by AppLLe, -
Red infiniti gun
by Guest D I- 1 reply
Okay,let talk about "red infiniti gun",I notice this gun need auto shots,everytime I need click many times left mouse button,but it only make more damage left mouse button,and I wish someone make auto shots,so...I wanna right mouse button be auto shots like same with skull pistol gun and left button let be manual shots just like now,so...I will wait replys from you guys,I need some advice or recommend.
Last reply by L-VIRUS™, -
- 11 replies
Aş dori sa se modifice ceva la vsk sã traga automat!Eu acuma cred ca vorbesc in numele tuturor jucatorilor.Ma doare si degetul.Sunt la al 4 maus se strica foarte usor.
Salut , as vrea sa propun,daca se poate face , ca knockback grande-urile (cea pe care o are un zm cand se respawneaza) sa nu mai scada din HP. Un human are doar 250hp ceea ce inseamna ca el moare din 25 de knockback grenade-uri :/ Multi playeri abuzeaza de asta , eu unul trebuie sa cumpar mereu hp din shop pe anumite mape ( pe zm_foda e imposibil sa rezisti in partea acea de lemn , pe ice_attack_5 nu ai unde sa stai , ice attack 3 la fel si de gbox5 nu mai zic) . As vrea ori ca aceste grande sa nu mai scada hp ori ca hp-ul unui human sa creasca la 350 sau 400. Astept pareri
Last reply by SuperioR, -
Salut!, mie mi-a venit azi de dimineata o idee... sa o aflam pe aceasta Aceasta e ca.. la SUPER PLAYER.. ATUNCI CAND IL CUMPERI SA SE ADAUGE SI 3 SARITURI.. DACA TOT ITI DA 999ARMURA SI 1000 HP. SA SE ADAUGE SI 3 SARITURI.. SI O ARMA MAI BUNA CEVA GEB B54.. UNA CA LA SURVIVOR.. ACUM NU STIU DACA ESTE SI BUNA IDEEA MEA..DAR MNA.. E AS SPUNE CA TREBUI INBUNATATIT.. si nu stiu poate sa se adauge si un skin nou atunci cand il cumperi.... Skin la Super Player: http://imgur.com/a/DgPSc Arma: http://imgur.com/a/uHS25
Last reply by Borodoi,